Apart from the blue in the cats smile the only colors used are black and white. These colors are very basic which is why the smile of the cat stands out on the poster so much. The cats smile is very similar to the 'disappearing cats' smile in 'Alice in Wonderland'. This film/story is a very well known children's film so the younger generations such as teenager who are the posters target audience, will immediately be drawn to the poster. The poster now has their attention but the text says 'Does Meow Meow have whiskers'. This sentence could have one of two effects. Firstly the teenagers could not understand it so therefore want to know what it's talking about. The rhetorical question doesn't give away much to the teenagers who don't know what 'Meow Meow' is which is why they would want to know more as they would want to know the answer to the question.
On the other hand, the teenagers who do know that 'Meow Meow' is in fact a drug will see the link to their childhood film and find the image quite unsettling. The innocence of childhood and the stories that come with it (such as Alice in Wonderland) highly contrast to the idea of illegal drugs like 'Meow Meow'. They will therefore want to know more about the drug and so will hopefully visit the 'Ask Frank' website where lots of information is provided about the different effects of different drugs.
At the bottom of the page in smaller text is information about how to get their website and why they should visit it: 'If you have any questions about drugs'. Their campaign name 'Frank' is also featured at the bottom where it is in it's common font style which looks quite graphical, again linking to the appeals of their target audience.
Frank also has used more online formats of media in their campaign. They have a Facebook page and Twitter page which were recently launched to further reach out to the teenagers of our society who are commonly associated with using social networking sites.
Frank also has a YouTube account where videos are regular posted with information about drugs in order to raise the teenager's awareness of their affects. A YouTube is a very effective way of gaining interest from teenagers as they are constantly using the site for music and inspiration for their lives. Furthermore, lots of them even have their own accounts.
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